Burial Ground Update. December 2021. We may not have a visible presence in the Burial Ground at the moment but we are still very much engaged in the paperwork. I have enjoyed working on this project. It has allowed me to meet new people and learn an awful lot more not only about local families in the past (much of which is in published DPHS publications – I hope you have saved your original copies) but about families from around the world who made their final resting place Danehill Burial Ground. We are approaching Christmas, the weather is ‘seasonal’ ie really cold up on the hill and, apart from final checking on the recording sheets, we are now looking to compile brief family histories for the occupants. Good Fortune has brought Mat our way. He has family connections and has taken on organising the information in a truly amazing way, far beyond my IT skills level. I am SO grateful both to him and Chris Drewery for liaising and making this next society project worthy of the DPHS. If you have any information/photographs pertaining to any family represented in the Old Burial Ground, we would love to hear from you. Remember, with today’s technology we do not need your treasured original copies – take a photo of your photo on your Smartphone and send to us at: [email protected] Looking forward to meeting you all some time, Sue Ray |