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Contacting us:
If you are interested in finding out more about the society or coming along to one of our evening talks on local and regional historical topics, please contact our Chairman Jennie Marten on 01825 790396 or email us at:
[email protected]
Meetings are held in the Danehill Memorial Hall on the last Tuesday of the month (see programme for details) - membership costs just £15 for the year. For this you will be able to attend seven indoor meetings, most with outside professional speakers and three summer visits. An average cost of just £1.50/event!!
Just a gentle reminder that our treasurer would prefer payment directly into the Society's bank account via internet bank transfer if possible (account number and sort code below), please include your name as a reference on your payment. If you do not have internet banking set up please don't worry as you can also pay with a cheque at a meeting.
DPHS Bank details:
Danehill Parish Historical Society
Account Number: 63120186
Bank Sort Code: 60-22-05
Please don’t forget to give your name so that you can be identified.
Visitors are also very welcome to attend indoor meetings at a charge of £4 per person per meeting which includes refreshments. Some outdoor meetings are members only as numbers may be restricted.
If you are interested in finding out more about the society or coming along to one of our evening talks on local and regional historical topics, please contact our Chairman Jennie Marten on 01825 790396 or email us at:
[email protected]
Meetings are held in the Danehill Memorial Hall on the last Tuesday of the month (see programme for details) - membership costs just £15 for the year. For this you will be able to attend seven indoor meetings, most with outside professional speakers and three summer visits. An average cost of just £1.50/event!!
Just a gentle reminder that our treasurer would prefer payment directly into the Society's bank account via internet bank transfer if possible (account number and sort code below), please include your name as a reference on your payment. If you do not have internet banking set up please don't worry as you can also pay with a cheque at a meeting.
DPHS Bank details:
Danehill Parish Historical Society
Account Number: 63120186
Bank Sort Code: 60-22-05
Please don’t forget to give your name so that you can be identified.
Visitors are also very welcome to attend indoor meetings at a charge of £4 per person per meeting which includes refreshments. Some outdoor meetings are members only as numbers may be restricted.